Wednesday..Let me fall for ratings.
Wednesday is an extremely difficult day for the series and of course for the actors. Kara Sevda, Poyraz Karayel,Bu Sehir Arkandan Gelecek, No 309, Dirilis Ertugrul...All the successful series plays on the same day!! This week rating was the second in which was taking part both Bu Sehir Arkandan Gelecek! And lets take a look: 1.Dirilis Ertugrul 27,43 2.No 309 14,44 5.Kara Sevda 12,32 8.Bu Sehir Arkandan Gelecek 10,23 18.Poyraz Karayel 7,14

Thursday..What a day!
Let's take a look both here. 1.Cesur ve Guzel 14,26 3.Vatanim Sensin 13,82 6.Umuda Kelepce Vurulmaz 14,03 9.Olene Kadar 9.81 14.Cesur Yurek 8.65.. I hope Olene Kadar which is a new series that it going to be on the top because it's worth it!(I will make also an review for it.Stay Tuned)

İçimdeki Fırtına: Yusuf Cim, Merve Bolugur, Gizem Karaca...A fatal triangle on "The storm inside me"...Two sisters conflict because of a man..Which will going to be the impact? First trailer has been published...We waiting for more! 4 February the big premier.

Hazal Kaya Yeni Dizi
The cover of the famous series "Shameless"..Turkan Soray will be on the production team. There are a reputation about Serkan Cayoglus participation.

Dayan Yüreğim: Ece Uslu and Cansel Elcin will have the leading roles on a series which will gonna rock! We don't know in totally the plot but it will be a dram one as always! Berk Atan and Nilay Deniz will be on the series as well! The premier will be on Friday

Yıldızlarım Şahidim A new series is going to be on air very very soon on...Star Tv! A successful pop singer falls in love with a poor but pretty girl. A family's secret is going to be on the surface and destroy everything in his bright life. Starring Berk Cankat, Ozge Gurel, Mesut Akusta, Canan Erguder. We wished good luck but unfortunatel the ratings were dissapointed! (Check out the first trailer above). 18 place 3,35/8.

İstanbullu Gelin
Istanbul's bride first trailer is already available. Starring Ozcan Deniz, Asli Enver, Salih Bademci, Ipek Bilgin, Guven Murat Akpinar..It will be the story of the rich Faruk and poor singer Sureyya. Till now anyone knows which is the date of the big premier. Stay TUNED.

Kenan is İçerde? Ay Yapim made a proposal to Kenan Imirzalioglu in order to be on the series Icerde. I thought that he was going to be as a guest star! But although Kenan answered that he will not be in the series at least such in a soon time..Who knows?Maybe he will going to be one dayy!