Undoubtly Icerde was nowadays phenomenon. All the turkish generation will never forget the story of two brothers who will never meant to be together. Ay Yapim take its decision and announced us that final episode will be on air on 19 June..So 39.episode will gonna be the last one.This week we had the chance to attend episode 31...An contreversial one because of Melek's death..Yes, everybody thought that Melek was only shooted but no...Unfortunately she is dead. Bensu Soral said her goodbye and from now and then the story of the successful series will be revenge of two broken men.
Sarp lost her love, Mert her step-sister. They work now only for Celal but in reality for Melek's revenge. Everything will gonna change..When Sarp and Mert will learn that they are brothers? Who will be the departmen? How will Celal end up this story? Only 2 mounths left,only 8 episodes tolearn
the truth.

I want to congrat all the actors.They are unique. Cagatay Ulusoy and Aras Bulut Iyinemli deserves Oscar's award! My favourite scene of the episode, when they arrived at the hospital and both of them felt the desperation. Cetin Tekindor also was magnificent. Showed us one more time that is one of the most succesful turkish actors. Bensu Soral appreciates a big congrat because gave exactly the feelings of her character,Melek.

Melek and Sarp..There love was condemned under dark shadows. The daughter of a criminal but such an innocent character and a young policeman ready to sacriface everything for his lost brother. And now Melek was about bring him back but she couldnt. Sarp will always remember his beautiful angel as well as Mert.The pain of loss is the biggest one.
Mert will gonna remember her as an angel. The angel who saved his life...Her sister,the person who loved more than his life. Because Sarp and Mert are brothers but Melek and Mert's brotherhood couldn't immitate.

And as far as it concerns final...What do you think? I'm thinking and to be honest I would like to have a sad final. This series wasn't about finish with a clasic happy end like most of turkish ones. This series has a melancholy. There are the pesimism..How can be forgetten everything? In my opinion the end will be "black" and full of blood. This two brothers will leave their last breath. Because this world arent for angels!

Remember the name-A video about Sarp Yilmaz!
Melek Open your eyes!- A video about Melek's death.
Melek Open your eyes!- A video about Melek's death.
Agla-Also a video about Melek and Sarp with the beautiful song, Agla.
Take me to infinity: The absolute trend take me to infinity with Melek and Sarp.