Let's take a final taste about the series which be on aired this Monday,Tuesday&Wednesday!
Monday: The most difficult day,today!
İçerde : Ay Yapim's new legend which called "Inside" will fight for first time this Monday in order to win the first place in everyone's heart! Çağatay Ulusoy Aras Bulut İynemli Çetin Tekindor Nihal Koldaş Bensu Soral Damla Colbay Rıza Kocaoğlu and Mustafa Uğurlu are the main cast of the series which will gonna rock! I give you all the trailers and I hope with all my heart the best of the best for this new epical production!I should notice that I'm going to watch it!! And of couse I will give you a review!
Kırgın Çiçekler : "Broken Flowers" and not orphan as everyone tells, isn't a new series but a new season of a last year habbit.These 5 girls will tell us their story again and they will gonna continue it for one more year!I will post the 2 new season-trailers and I will wish good luck to them too!
Paramparça: Ladies and Gentelmen "Broken Pieces" is back!With a new season full of secreats will make it premiers this Monday!Mine Tugay&Sinem Ozturk added to the cast!A new story awaits us.We wish good luck to them because Monday-fight isn't an easy one!
Babam Ve Ailesi: My father and his family...A series which is looks like Karagul but with some differents.Ayca Bingol,Bulent Inal,Ceyda Duvenci and my lovely Sercan Badur gave their bests! The story tell us about a man which is separated among to different families.When one of his sons had an accident everything gets wrong and the big secreat comes to the surface!More today at 20:00.Good luck to this intersting series too!!
Hayat Sevince Güzel: It was the king of Monday for the whole summer but now will give a fight us well.Hayat Sevince Guzel(Life is beautiful when you love) is a classical summer-comedy us we all know which is going to face the original turkish dramas! Good luck then!
Hangimiz Sevmedik: Another one comedy from Trt.This series is the last one for the difficult series day! Unfortunately its feature isn't so bride because it doesn't like a lot. Nevertheless us you know is gonna be on air at 20:00 as well.Good luck again!
Monday: The most difficult day,today!



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