Many many series playing on our screens this season (2016-17). The majority of them has made already a final episode although there are also some which make still sense. Let's talk a little about them which is my favourite,why,their ratings etc. Are u ready to make a "revision" turkish-addicted??
Third season of a really legend. To be honest the last 2 season I haven't imagine that this series will gonna make sense to be. This summer started to watch it and I swear I'm obsessed! Is it the cast? Is it the plot? Don't know but first 2 season were a masterpiece for me. Nevertheless this season isn't what I was hoping to be. A powerful cast but a plot which killing the last two absolutely amazing series. I'm a little bored now but I continue watching because ok guys this is Poyraz. Ratings are too bad..Place 18?? Omg I couldn't imagine it! But till now everything looks optimistics because the series will gonna make a final like respectful ones! Note: I miss so much Emel&Kanbolat! But I'm a bit crazy and I loved the way they left the series! So keep watching and if u dont please make an effort!
When I heard the news-this summer- that the magnificent Cagatay Ulusoy will be back with a new series by Ay Yapim I couldn't hide my excitment. And the days passed, the cast releaved and everything was wonderful! The first episode was pretty good but the others were a little boring for me. Although I decided to watch the series again with my mother this time and a changed my opinion! The series rocks! Not my favourite but for sure in the top turkish series ever. Cagatay&Aras's performances couldn't be described by anyone! They are really actors. Cetin,Riza,Nihal..Everyone..The girls also made a good job as unexperienced actresses! The ratings..Omg the best of the best! Really one of the best rating result after a long time! King Icerde!
Fresh new series by the gold production Ay Yapim! And yeah Kerem Bursin is back with a powerful cast! I loved first episode,second,third(I haven't seen yet the 3 one)...It's a lovely series which has the signature of Ay Yapim. I'm not sooo addicted but I think that is a good project which would have a better destiny if it hadn't be placed among Kara Sevda,No 309,Dirilis Ertugrul,Poyraz Karayel. I think that tha ratings arent so bad but on the other hand aren't satisfying enough. But if u see them together-Leyla&Kerem- and also in general the series which "smells" Ay Yapim you will fall in love. I hope that it will not be another failure.
Forgive me but I have seen only first two episodes! I can't watch everything because of the limited time.Much obligations u know. First episode was one of the best I have ever seen. They transmitted the pain which the little girl was feeling. This is so hard to be done by a series.And also from the first episode! Every scene was really painful. They showed us the hate which hide inside this society. Beren,this girl is a miracle! Every face expression is like a real actress.Cansu and Vahide, ok...Queens. I can't say something more just that this series worths its watching. I try to attend next episodes and I hope that isn't going to lost its sense. Ratings are very good but nevertheless there are some reputations which telling that the series will be stopped. Ok if only do something like that I will kill them!
Its too early to say my unbiased opinion about this fresh romantic series. But I don't know way its very high on my top five. Are the songs? Is the cast? Dont know really! The first episode left me the sweetest taste. You can read full review on my last post. Anyway, no more details because as I said they have been written also above. If u want to feel a love wave check out the first episode. Fiko(Mesut Akusta) is as crazy as Kendal. So u will make fun!!!!
Kara Sevda couldn't be lacking of this post. Last year I was very very excited about the premier of this shinning series. But I felt bored soon. Although Kemal&Nihan's love make me want to watch the series again with my family this time. Because u now my mum&grandmother are also a big fan of them.Greece,whatever. The series lacks of a good plot screenplay making circles all the time and the ratings falling again and again. Can't hold them anything. They had to make a super inversion in order to appeal more viewers. This lovely drama either should make a sad final in order to show that ok its a drama series or to lead on a happy end as much "drama" stories. Im a big supporter of the first option. You'll hate me but drama series are for sad ends.Thus we will see pessimistic part of life. Anyway I will not tell you "go and watch it!" because I pretty sure that you have already done it. xD
NO 309
And this is the first comedy on my top options for this year! Yeah guys, I was watching this series all summer then I get bored again. Nothing special in general the episodes but the first one OMG make me believe that I will live as well a coincidence from destiny like their love! Buray's songs make my summer unforgettable and No 309 a series with which had fun. I'm seriously thinking of restart my journey on a comedy series. I mean I want to watch the new episodes but something holds me back. Is it my time? Who knows. Although if u want a nice comedy with goodlooking actors-FUKRAN PALALI XD- then invite u to see the next episode!! Without doubt the most sucessful series for this summer!
Probably this series will take a higher place on my top but I couldn't put it yet because I have watched only the first episode. Ok, I made a review so u know what I'm thinking about cast,music,plot etc. But I didnt manage that th ratings will be worse n worse. Anyone doesn't take into consideration that this is a series with Engin Akyurek&Fahriye Evcen.I mean two stars of turkish tv especially Engin who have made a career of which getting jealous many actors. Why guys aren't watching this?? Blame on what? Ok first episode was a bit "slow" but the plot in spite of this fact was pretty emotional! Make an effort please we had to make the ratings higher! We don't want to "lose" this series! One of the best production for this year and I'm countersigning this!
Such a great production and I mean it! Halit knows to select the best productions! I want to accent that I have watched only some scenes and foremost from the first episode. But Hilal&Leon's love touched me and especially on the episode in which Hilal was going to killed by greek army. I want to applaud that they give the chance to feel this myth of greek&turkish lovers after Yabanci Damat. Congrats to all the actors in particular Berguzar Korel&Miray Daner. I hope that very very soon I will start to watch it like a real viewer;P
Another comedy which started during summer period! Hande Ercel came back on our screens and everyone got mad! Yes,u know guys she is a big star! I like it very much but yes I get bored again! I can waste time to watch at least some scenes which would be helpful... Although I really think that if u want just to pass your time with your boyfriend is a perfect opportunity!
They destroyed a beautiful series which I liked at first. If I had the chance I would complained on Fox Tv channel because they removed a series which had pretty good rating results in order to put a failure!!!! Ok I got bored again, I don't even remember on which episode but I really was thinking that is a lovely series to watch someone. Nevertheless the plot wasn't so intersting even the main couple so they couldn't hold on mondays.
Classical addiction since 2014(?) I think. I watched the first season and some scenes from the second one. And I end up that they destoyed a very intersting plot. Changed everything, story,characters,everything. But inspite of this I'm happy because learned beautiful songs, came across a legendary story and cast and of course because I saw first time Burak Tozkoparan, u know I love him! I'm sad because this year the series will make a final in such condition.. actors and actresses left the series and will abandon it for a long time.Wish they have left the series make a final last season.
No guys. Kill me but I didnt like it. I couldnt watch even the whole first episode. I tryied again n again but I can't..The plot so boring. Only the two actors are a good selection but not in order to put them together. I'm sure that this series will not be written on the turkish drama history. Nevetheless the ratings are pretty good..Ok, u decide not me.But I really think that there are more worthless series. And especially Ay Yapim ones.
A successful series which haven't watched! I don't know why I didn't but I have regretted so hard! If u still watching it right down below ur comments!
I will be honest. I thought last year that this series would be a big failure. But yes I have done a huge fault! I had to watched it only for Oktay Kaynarca because I love him so fucking much! The ratings are going great!
Although I hate historical series I'm so curious of it because u know its a big success!
This series at least for me was a big surprise! Couldn't imagine that it will have such a big success! I have only heard its soundtrack which I liked so much!
Another series which made me mad! I haven't thought that it will be such a successful one! It killed also Kiralik Ask. I think seriously of start its watching
Another one that when I saw its ratings said to myself "WTF????!"...I haven't seen even a scene! But I have heard that it seems like Karagul.



NO 309





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