Evlat Kokusu Series: Endemol Shine Turkey put its signature on one more series named "Child's smell". Starring Hande Soral Baris Kilic Sedef Avci and other successful turkish actors the series going to be on aired probably during this mounth. The story revolving around Zeyno a girl who has grown in an orphanage in Amsterdam with another turkish girl. Zeyno falls in love with a man and she is pregnant with her first child. Due to a terrible mistake lost both her husband and her child. Kanal D probably put it on Mondays and kill one more series again :)

Çoban Yıldızı: Ready the cast for the new series of Sukru Ozyildiz&Selin Sekerci. Menderes Samancilar,Selim Bayraktar and other ambitius actors are going to be on our screens. Plot hasn't be announced yet.The series is going to be on aired this mounth

Utanmazlar: Reputations telling that Hazal Kaya is going to be back with a new series called Utanmazlar, the version of the american series Shameless! Her partner probably will be Serkan Cayoglu and Hazal's father will be playing by Emre Kinay. That's good! The plot: 6 brothers must take care of themselves because their dad is addicted to alcoohol.

Tolga Sarıtaş new series: He became one of the most successful names of new generation. After Güneşin Kızları he made a came back with the youthful movie Kötü Çocuk. Now is going to play on a new drama series which will be on aired by Star Tv on March. His partner hasnt been announced yet.

Sonsuz Aşk finally: Since September 2016 we have seen that Fahriye and Murat will play together on a movie named Sonsuz Ask which means Endless Love. Fahriye will play a young woman called Zeynep and Murat a young surgical called Can. They have to face a huge obstacle and fight till its over. They film is ready for its premier on 24 March 2017. You? are u ready??

Furkan is back: Furkan Andic after a little break is going to play in a new series named Meryem. The series will be a turkish version of a korean drama called Secret Love. The story revolving aroung a girl who is taking the blame of a fatal accident which in the reality has been committed by her boyfriend. So excited the series will be number one!

İçimdeki Fırtına: Starring Yusuf Cim, Gizem Karaca, Merve Bolugur the new series of Star Tv was going to make a premier yesterday. Althoung the production company in compination with the channel had another plan. So the first episode is going to be on aired new week at 11/2/17. An easy day for an "easy" series. Is it going to win good impressions?

Barış Arduç new series: Ladies Baris will be back this summer! Production company of Kiralik Ask will make a new series only for the successful actor! Is it going to be a hugeeee success like Defom??

Dayan Yüreğim premier: We watched first episode of Dayan Yuregim with Ece Uslu, Cansel Elcin, Nilay Deniz&Berk Atan. But unfortunately what was going to happen was predictable.Ratings wasn't as high as it should be and thus the series is one of the unlucky for this season.

Burak Hakkı in Greece: The handsome actor which is one of our favourite here in Greece will be on a greek theatre with Giannhs Aivazis. Greek audience is so excited about this!!
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