1-3-17..One of the most sad days of my life. Never imagine that one series one series like that which I wasn't interested when makes its premier was meant to be part of my life. And yesterday made a final, said goodbye to its viewers with a way which will never be forgotten. But let's make a review..Poyraz was a character a little crazy but the same time had the desire to live his life, make love and last but not least to be happy with Sinan, his beloved son. A policeman, Poyraz Karayel who loved Oguz Atay's quotes and books meets Aysegul a beautiful doctor daughter of the mafya.. Everyone knowed their end. It was obvious from the first time they met each other in a taxi. First season ending with Poyraz and Aysegul's "divorce"..Second season starts with Sinan, this blond boy facing the death..Second season ends with Poyraz's death and Aysegul's desperation. Everyone, all the fans were waiting the big come back on September 2016. But the ratings didn't show this "expactation"...Thus 1 March 2017 has been chosen as the day in which Poyraz Karayel will say the last "Hepsi manyak bunlarin"...
To be honest as a big fan of the series I thought that is going to end with a happy end and this would dissapoint me a bit. Why? I'm a sad-final obsessed guys! xD Anyway I had a performance which was ending at 9:30. I ran back to my home in order to turn the tv up because my all time favourite series was making its last episode. Everything on the road.. Dont lie to you I was boring because everyone was so happy! XD Then Poyraz and Aysegul in a mini-bus singing Elleri-Ellerime..Such an emotional song which will always reminds me of this beautiful couple! Poyraz stops at a gas station and Aysegul full of happiness goes to the bathroom before they start an awesome trip to infinity. But destiny has her own plans.. Aysegul looks at the mirror and see Nevra's face.."Onu gordugum an olecegimi biliyordum" The time I saw her I was sure that I'm going to die..And the bitch named Nevra takes a knife and kills Poyraz's Aysegul.."19 minutes later I will be dead" said our beautiful Ayse..But the only thing of which was thinking about: She wanted to see him for a last time..To say him that is dying..To give him a last hug, a last kiss. Aysegul holds her last breath and close her eyes on Poyraz's arms. Poyraz grieves..Prays not to leave him..But Aysegul has already left..Poyraz can't believe it..Take her corpse and getting mad..Walking on the road full of cars crying about her,about her unfair death.
During the funeral all Umman family's members bewail. Anyone couldn't immagine that their story will end like this. On the other side Poyraz. Got mad.. Without shoes or normal clothes keeps balloons and walking and smiling and laughing..Without thinking about reality.Poyraz, the man who wasn't a life owner but only one of the losers. 10 mounths later Poyraz staying at a psychiatric institution..Writting all the time a book..His book..The story of an insane..Imagine Ayşegül wearing the clothes in which saw her first time. How much he loved her...You will never know..And then the epic quote which Poyraz prints.."Tarih sadece mutsuzlari yazar"-History remembers only the miserables..Last scene..Sinan takes Poyraz's hand..Such as the first time..Like the first episode..Dad and son walking hand by hand. And then..."The end"...The end of a legend, not a series but a piece of art..A masterpiece. A series which starts like drama ends like drama. A series which wasn't like the others. It was a pionner. Congrats to all the team..Congrats to all the actors for their performances and ofcourse for the unforgettable moments which gave to us!
Thanks to Ilker Kaleli who let me know many things about acting..Thank u for being the definition of acting. Thank u for being the best actor I have ever seen. Congrats also to the talented Burcin Terzioglu..Her performances were TOP! Also cograts to Ataberk Mutlu this amazing junior actor with huge acting skills.
Congrats to Musa Uzunlar one of the best actors in Turkey! A really mafya dad who will never be forgotten! Congrats to Celil Nalcakan and Hare Surel for being unforgettable actors! congrats to Kanbolat Gorkem Arslan and Emel Colgecen for their memorable story and performances on the series. Congrats to Funda Eryigit,Ali Il,Cem Cucenoglu,Eda Ozdikici for being an important piece of our series.Congrats in general to all the actors and actresses. A big applaush also to the directors and screenwritters.
I don't know when I will stop crying after that...Nevertheless I'm sure of one thing..I will never forget this series! NEVER..From now and then it's my favourite one. Thanks to my dear friend Viki whoforced me to watch the series by recommending it. Poyraz Karayel thank u for made me happy,sad,laughed,loved but first of all made me a better person! Thank u for your existance! At least because of you a miracle comes into my life! *En azından senin yüzünden mücize hayatımda oldu"

I don't know when I will stop crying after that...Nevertheless I'm sure of one thing..I will never forget this series! NEVER..From now and then it's my favourite one. Thanks to my dear friend Viki whoforced me to watch the series by recommending it. Poyraz Karayel thank u for made me happy,sad,laughed,loved but first of all made me a better person! Thank u for your existance! At least because of you a miracle comes into my life! *En azından senin yüzünden mücize hayatımda oldu"
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